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St. Elizabeth Hospital Chiga

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St. Elizabeth Hospital Chiga

St. Elizabeth Chiga is located in Chiga sub-location, located about 17 km from the CBD of Kisumu city.  Founded in 2004 by the Consolata missionaries in collaboration with the sisters of the blessed virgin, the hospital belongs to the Catholic archdiocese of Kisumu, in Kisumu East sub-county.

The hospital is among poor people and it was started to provide hope to the local community. The hospital is able to sustain itself due to the help from the NHIF and the Kisumu county government. For instance two of their doctors are paid for by the county.


Providing affordable acceptable, accessible, sustainable, quality healthcare with a focus on the needy and marginalized groups.


To be the leading faith based providers of quality health and spiritual care in Western Kenya.

Services Offered

The hospital offers the following services; In-patient, Out-patient, Maternity, Pharmacy, Laboratory surgical services and Mortuary  services.

Quality Assurance/Collaboration

To maintain high standards, St. Elizabeth has both internal and external quality assurance in place. They encourage specialists and healthcare givers in general to discuss diagnostic tests and results with their technologist to optimize their patient care.
St. Elizabeth is in collaboration with several centers which offer specialized tests and histology services with a reduced turnaround time.

Corporate Social Responsibility

St. Elizabeth Chiga hospital recognizes its role in the society and has partnered with the respective local partners and agencies to set up projects benefitting the society in their recognition of giving back to them. In the spirit of our core values, especially of compassion, we have developed home based care services in the community and we take care of the orphans and vulnerable people in the society through empowering them via education and a better healthcare system.

Core Values

The hospitable is guided by core values which inform the way the hospital works and the relationship with its consistency and stakeholders.

These include;

  1. Compassion: the hospital demonstrates the life of Jesus through the provision of medical care.
  2. Professionalism:  the hospital observes professionalism in all the undertakings.
  3. Commitment:  the hospital is committed to offering quality, accessible and affordable healthcare.
  4. Faith: the hospital is guided by spiritual principles.

Words of Sr. Josephine

” St. Elizabeth hospital Chiga is among poor people. I believe that when you help the poor, like widows, you will get a lot of blessings. Even when I leave this place one day, this hospital will still remain here, serving the local community. We hope to revive our relationship with Wakonyu Orphans project again.”


P.O. box: 4676-40103, Kisumu, Kenya

Email: stelizabethh@yahoo.com

Tel;    0711-340310 and 0735564162

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